ASTM Standards
Calculations are in compliance with the following standards
Sample Types
Standard and customized methods cover a variety of gasoline and blend stocks
Chromatography Data Systems
Information is received directly from a variety of chromatography data collection packages and is capable of being run in either interactive or automatic modes
Agilent Chemstation®
(including OpenLAB CDS)EZChrom®
(including OpenLAB CDS)Shimadzu Labsolution GC software
Any Chromatography Data System capable of AIA (net CDF) output

DragonII DHA® is also fully compliant with ASTM E1947 specifications for AIA Data files and is capable of universally accepting files in CDF format without the requirement of installing vendor specific software drivers. This allows DragonII DHA® to be utilized in mixed acquisition environments and with legacy data saved to CDF format.
A 2nd Reference can be opened
to aid in peak identification

The 2nd Reference opens in the bottom pane. Use another sample-type reference or, as in this example, a group-type standard.

Use toggle buttons at the bottom to alternately view the 1st and 2nd References
Major Features of Dragon II DHA® include:
Quick database creation
PIANO analysis
Hydrocarbon group-type filtering
Full preview/printing of reports
Fast Peak identification and Results processing
Unknowns tab lists unidentified peaks in order of concentration
Unknown indexer takes the user directly to the unknown peak for identification
Result files themselves work as fully functional reference databases
Full reports are stored with results for easy retrieval without reprocessing
Original files and data are never affected (CFR Part 11/ISO 17025)
Two References may be opened simultaneously during sample processing
Results are ‘bound’ with the chromatographic data for instant retrieval/archiving
Comprehensive Master Component Library holds over 700 components and chemical properties
Unique Dashboard feature continuously presents the user with all calculated results; results are instantly recalculated when changes are made
Result files are saved as CDF (AIA) format files and can be accessed by any third-party application that supports reading the AIA file format
Built In Chemical and Physical Property Calculations:
Vapor Pressure
Oxygenate content
Relative Density
Average Molecular Weight
Calculated Research Octane Number
% Carbon, % Hydrogen
Calculated Bromine Number
TBP Boiling Point Distribution
Particulate Matter Index (PMI)
Wt%, Vol%, Mole% of Individual Components
Wt%, Vol%, Mole% of Group Types by Carbon Number
Mass% and Vol% Multisubstituted Ring Aromatics
VHA Update
Envantage Analytical Software has been working closely with VUV Analytics to bring fast, reliable DHA analysis to our customers. Verified Hydrocarbon Analysis (VHA) using the vacuum ultraviolet detector (VUV) is undergoing performance testing. Get DHA results in 47 minutes . Coelution issues are eliminated and minimal operator interaction is necessary. More information about the VUV detector can be found here and here. More information about the VHA analyzer can be found on the VUV Analytics website.
Envantage Dragon II DHA® is also available as an Envantage Bundled DHA Application that includes onsite setup with user training and full system (hardware + software) technical support. An Envantage DHA bundled analyzer system includes the GC (yours or ours, new or used), your choice of data acquisition software, Dragon II DHA® software, with PC. (Click here for more information about Envantage Bundled Applications)
Output Options
Dragon II DHA© saves analysis results in the following formats:
- ASCII text file (.TXT)
- Comma Delimited Text (.CSV)
Custom analysis output for LIMS interfaces or other integration requirements are available.
User Defined Programs can also be included to extend functionality.
Computer specifications:
Any computer that will run Windows 7 or higher
.NET FRAMEWORK : 4.6 or higher installed