Envantage LIMS Bridge is an innovative, configurable interface that resides between the laboratory analytical instruments and the LIMS.
It has been designed to meet the divergent needs of laboratory and corporate IT staff who are tasked with the two separate and distinct responsibilities of generating lots of data (lab staff) and distributing lots of data (IT staff).
Envantage LIMS Bridge integrates control of the analytical software and becomes the interface to all analytical instruments. Operators will be able to obtain work lists, create sequences, start analytical instruments, and review/reprocess data, all within the confines of the Envantage LIMS Bridge interface.
Envantage LIMS Bridge also provides the Laboratory Supervisor with powerful tools to manage work flow, track samples, and minimize errors as samples progress through the lab.
Major Features of Envantage LIMS Bridge:
- Provides a unified analytical instrument interface for operators, reducing training issues
- Implementation imposes few demands on corporate IT staff; support issues for IT staff are minimized
- Sequence creation only allows for selection of correct instruments and methods, minimizing sample errors in the lab
- Unique “holding area” allows operator to review data before it is transferred to LIMS
- Chromatographic sample reprocessing, data review, and data transfer from one simple screen
- Auditing and tracking feature to troubleshoot sample submission issues